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Your product selection from The Sarcastic Sow Farm

Idaho Pasture Pig pasture raised pork

$9.25 per pound

RED, well marbled, vitamin packed and ethically raised pork. This is not the factory product found in grocery stores. Our pigs are raised exclusively on pasture and given a small ration of locally sourced, non-gmo, no soy feed. The feed supplements their diets with needed minerals that are deficient in the soils. Our animals are treated with respect and dignity. The resulting product is absolutely delicious.

Pasture Raised

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About The Sarcastic Sow Farm

The Sarcastic Sow Farm is located in Moore County, NC. We are focused on regenerating our soils and acreage by using an intense, multi-species, rotational grazing program. We also incorporate permaculture techniques such as planting fruit trees in between the grazing paddocks. This add shade and produce for the animals and attracts pollinators. Our Idaho Pasture Pigs are raised outside on pasture and under the sunshine. They live life as a pigs should. They have access to clean water for drinking and wallowing and enjoy belly rubs from all of us. Our pigs and poultry receive a small amount of NON-GMO, no soy, locally sourced grain that includes added minerals to support their health. The resulting pork is tender, marbled, and full of vitamins. We also have pasture raised chicken and duck eggs available. Please contact us for pricing and availability


The Sarcastic Sow Farm
126 Vick Ave
Carthage , NC 28327

More products from The Sarcastic Sow Farm

Idaho Pasture Pig pasture raised pork

$9.25 per pound

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RED, well marbled, vitamin packed and ethically raised pork. This is not the factory product found in grocery stores. Our pigs are raised exclusively on pasture and given a small ration of locally sourced, non-gmo, no soy feed. The feed supplements their diets with needed minerals that are deficient in the soils. Our animals are treated with respect and dignity. The resulting product is absolutely delicious.

Pasture Raised

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